
Thanks for trying out the Professor Boggs Simple Grader! This iPhone/iPod Touch app is designed to SAVE YOU TIME grading that giant stack of tests, quizzes, or work packets! While there are instructions built in to the application, this webpage will offer a bit more of a "tutorial" approach to running the grader and maximizing its usefulness.

Let me know if you have questions, problems, or suggestions! Please email me at:


This is a test where all the questions count the same amount -- say, a 36-question multiple-choice quiz. The grader will help you by counting off the right number of points for each question missed. In this example, it's "about" 3 points per question, but there will be some "breaks" where a question counts off only 2 points. The grader handles all that for you!

Click the "Setup test" button, and use the dial to dial in the number 36 (or however many questions are on your test). Don't worry about the "section" buttons at the bottom. Just click "Done" and it'll confirm that you have one section with 36 questions. Click OK!

Now set your iPhone down next to your stack of papers, and click "Grade test". One strategy is to go through each test paper, marking questions missed and tallying the count yourself. Then just dial in the total number missed, and pop! there's your grade. (For those exceptionally sad students, you may find it easier to dial in the number correct instead -- the dial has both choices).

If you prefer, use the "Tap-Grade" option. Each time you mark a question missed, tap the big button. It will adjust the number missed by one, and update the score. If you want to give "partial credit" points for a question, you can do this with the "Tap-Grade" button - just click and HOLD the button for about a second, and it will start counting up, reading "+1" then "+2", "+3" and so on, up to the max partial credit points possible for this question. When you've "awarded" enough points, release the button and you'll see the change!

Screenshot: Grading a 33-question test.




This is a bit more complex to set up, but the time investment pays off quickly! You may have up to four "sections" in a test, each section worth a fixed percentage of the total test score. For example, let's say you had 20 multiple-choice questions worth 30% of the grade, 10 matching questions worth 30% of the grade, 10 fill-in-the-blanks worth 20% of the grade, and 4 short answers for the remaining 20%.

We'll enter all this directly under "Setup test". First dial in a "20" for the default section (section one). Now drag the percentage slider bar to the left until it reads "30%". Then click the "Two" button under section -- notice the dial resets to zero.

Set the dial to 10 (for your matching questions) and dial in 30% again, then click section Three. Dial in 10 again, and drag the slider to 20%. Finally click section Four and dial in 4, set the slider to 20% (actually, you can drag it to any number greater than 20% and it'll know to set it to 20%, since you can't have a total greater than 100%). Click Done, you're all set up! It will show you a summary, so you can check to make sure everything is set up the way you want it.

Now click "Grade test" and you're ready to roll! You'll enter the number missed for EACH SECTION separately, using either the dial or the Tap-Grade button. That means that when you're done with the multiple-choice, you must touch the "Two" section button to enter the grade for the matching section, then the "Three" section to enter the fill-in-blanks score, and finally the "Four" section to grade the short answers. Notice it keeps a small "section score" in the corner, along with the large "overall grade" which is calculated on-the-fly.

Don't forget you can give "partial credit" to any question in any section by holding down the Tap-Grade button!

Click "Done" to see an overall summary of your scoring for this test! You can click RESET at any time to knock all the scores back to 100 and start a new test. The test setup will remain until you close out the application!

I hope you enjoy the Professor Boggs Simple Grader! I'm always looking for feedback and ideas for other valuable iPhone/touch applications that would be immediately useful for TEACHERS. E-mail me with your ideas!